Saturday, 19 September 2009

Green Light for Åland's first African Festival

Finally i have received my näringsrätt from the Landskapregering. It wasn’t as difficult as I expected it to be. I was only asked to submit an application with supporting documents like ämbetsbevis, självrådighetsintyg and hemortsintyg.

The whole process cost me close to 50€ but I am so glad that I have finally got the green light from the Landskapregering to hold my Sabaar African Festival (SAF2010) next summer in the month of July.

Now I am waiting on the Marieham Stad to identify the venue for the festival. The two day festival shall comprise of music performances, fashion show, masquerades parade among other things.

More about the festival in our subsequent editions! If you are interested in getting involved you can contact us on

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